Ukushintsha Kwesimo Sezulu

Climate Change Adaption

Climate change is a reality. For South Africa, we need both to mitigate our emissions and to adapt to changes that are taking place in our environment. We need to ensure that we can reduce our risks, build our resilience and take advantage of new opportunities. In order to build resilience, we need knowledge.

  • The Green Connection led the Climate Change Communication Project to raise awareness and build the capacity of the people of the Succulent Karoo around issues of climate change in 2007. This was funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and SKEP. (Click on the image on the right to see some of the project outcomes)
  • The Green Connection, SAFCEI and Hope for Tanzania facilitated a climate change awareness workshop and developed communication materials in the Same district of Tanzania in 2015. See one of the posters here.
  • The Green Connection helped SKEPPIES in 2010 in building capacity for climate resilience in nature-based enterprises in rural communities, like Namaqualand. Adaptation interventions included demonstrating and testing aspects such as climate diaries, fuel-saving stoves, etc.
  • The Green Connection developed a suite of Climate change awareness materials, for the Western Cape Provincial Government in 2013.
  • The Green Connection, in partnership with the Climate Action Partnership and DG Murray Trust, led a pilot small scale climate change adaptation project in the Succulent Karoo and produced a research framework and monitoring protocol for communities to become integrally involved in climate change monitoring programmes.

Climate Change Documents

The Green Connection Submission on Access to Information and Climate Change